Monday, February 26, 2007

a beginning place/space

Tools (technology/techné) are developed out of need. In turn, tools provide uses the maker did not foresee. The internet (the sign) conjures up images of fishing nets, textiles, and highway systems. INTER-WORKS: the internet is between you and I. It’s a net that snares difference and sameness. Quantum science tells us that the smallest known elements are not physical objects but relationships between objects. Henri Matisse stated "I do not paint things, I paint relationships between things." John tells us in the Bible that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men." Or as I like to translate it: in the beginning was the Text, and the Text became textile and interwove itself into the lives of men. Jacques Derrida reminds us that "there is nothing beyond the text."

Well known is Marcel Duchamp’s assertion that the audience completes the work of art. It is the users and not the inventor that determine an invention’s ultimate potential. An author no more controls truth than you or I control relations between people. Truth is not objective nor is it relative, but rather relational. It's not about me or you but that space in between.

Thinking with a medium produces more than mere thinking alone does. Gerhard Richter calls this "thinking with paint." To think with paint is like dancing with a spouse with no one leading and finding yourselves in a place neither thought possible, much less envisioned. What we have is a love affair with certain kinds of techné that copulates (works) not just for pleasure alone, but for offspring that sustains our existence as otherwise isolated individuals.